The Stanifesto

The purging

It was Twitter that finally did it. I simply could not sign up for another social network without taking a long hard look at the ones I was already on. It's time to say goodbye.

Why delete my profiles, you may ask? Well, there seems to be some sort of subconscious duty to be active in any community I claim to be a part of. I feel completely delinquent just having a link in my bookmarks but never contributing. I don't want to be a bad citizen, so I will just relinquish my citizenship.


  • Digg. My list of "dugg" articles stands at 10. A great site, to be sure, but I'll leave the digging up to people with more time/desire than me to sort through the loads of crap. Strangely, Digg won't let me delete my profile... if you know how, please tell me. Googling "delete digg profile" just turns up conspiracy theories of how "Digg" deletes articles from people "they" don't like.
  • Dodgeball. It never really took off with my social circle. I would get notices from one friend, once a week, saying that he was at Zeitgeist. Plus, Twitter seems to accomplish what I was looking for from Dodgeball, without the stalker potential.
  • Tribe. Sniff. So sad. It's a very cool site... I just never had time for it. Like a plant that has died on me for lack of watering. It could even import blog posts via RSS. In the end, I just didn't need it for anything.
  • Zaadz. I was on it for 52 days and literally the only thing that ever happened was that I got invited to a cuddle party. Even the friend that invited me never friended me back. No, I didn't go.
Not deleted, but probably doomed:
  • LinkedIn. I'd be surprised if I end up ever using this site, but since I just got invited by a friend, like, last week, I'm going to give it a chance. Consider it scheduled for termination in the next round. "LinkedIn, you're on notice."
  • MySpace. My mouse floated over the button, but like Frodo at Mount Doom I just couldn't destroy my account. I only log-in once a month to delete fake friend invites, so it's clearly not serving me—and in fact, doing its evil through me. Still...
  • Revver. I like Revver. I like it a lot. I like it better than YouTube. But, unfortunately, it's not YouTube. It gets a bye this round, and I really hope it takes off in between now and the next purging.
Enough death for today.