The Stanifesto

Old and New 2008

I made you a mixtape for New Years. I hope you like it.

It really is a mixtape, too. It has two sides and each is less than 30 minutes, so you could theoretically copy them onto a cassette... you know, if you had one... uh, and a device you could use to record onto it. Let's be honest, this is going straight into iTunes.

Side A - Out with the Old (download)

The first half is a mix of tracks of my own that I happened to have laying around from the last two years or so. Maybe you've heard them, maybe you haven't. Either way, I had to do something with them because I'd like to move past them and they're in the way. Sedate and serene, this mix hovers around 120bpm.

Side B - In with the New (download)

Two-thousand eight is already full of hope. The topics range from personal endeavors to national politics to global challenges but, regardless, my hope that the year sounds something like this. Mercilessly bouncy, I have a hard time not dancing to these songs. None of them are mine, but they represent a sound I'm interested in (especially Rex the Dog, he's so dreamy). Consider it a statement of intention at an effervescent 130bpm.

I've decided against attaching a track listing of the second mix, for fear that roving Googlebots will discover I'm giving away free music and notify The Man. Email me if you positively must know a track.

Switching to Blueprint has left the Stanifesto design with some rough edges... look for that and many more things to be resolved in 2008. Official "Resolutions" to come!