The Stanifesto

Let the countdown continue

A week of daily blogging and here's where we stand.

The Stanifesto is at 94 posts (including this one) and six days to go before the one-year anniversary. That means I'm still on pace to hit 100 before next Monday. It's not like I've had nothing else going on, neither (Holy Triple-Negative, Batman!). Two all-day retreats for work, a few open houses for apartments, and my mother and step-father being here for two days could've spelled the end—but no!

You all are doing your part as well. We're at 96 comments, so there are only four left before you beat me to 100. Special mention should go to Sarah, who's had the most comments since the challenge began, and Brant, who not only linked to his own blog post about how love could be considered revolutionary (in response to "Totalitarian semiotics as pre-emptive censorship") but then, possibly just to show me up, got married last weekend. Congratulations, Brant!

Overall, I've been very surprised I've been able to keep this going without resorting to terribly lame and/or tragically short posts. I think my writing has definitely gotten faster, if not quite better. Traffic to has stayed pretty much the same, but two of my posts have gotten picked up by other blogs. I don't exactly know the mechanics behind how either one happened and if my frequent updates served as a catalyst in either situation, but I'm pleased people who have no pre-existing inclination to care what I write here are receiving some value from it.

In other web news, today was a great day as I've managed to schedule my organization's first ever "Web Retreat" for Friday, July 13th (ooh! the symbolism!) where my co-webmaster and I will be teaching a wide variety of topics, like Writing for the Web, Blogging 101, and My First HTML Document. Wish us luck!

This is post 94. Six more to go.