The Stanifesto

How to tell if you don't have a blog

Once upon a time, I had a blog. Now I'm not so sure. Consider the facts.

I've been blogging off-and-on since 2002, lately more off than on. Despite a few, "I'm back!" posts over the last few years, it's become clear to me that I don't really have a blog anymore. There's some pretty damning evidence in support of that hypothesis:

In September 2009, I got married. Did you know that? Yeah, you probably did. But certainly not from reading this blog. No mention of it anywhere and definitely no photo galleries of the occasion.

Last summer, my wife (see above) and I discovered we were expecting a baby. I was shaving and she kicked me out of the bathroom, 90 seconds later we were jumping up and down in the hallway holding a little pink wand. Then I finished shaving. Again, you probably knew that already but you didn't learn it here.

About seven weeks ago, my daughter Adela Beatrice was born. She's incredible, adorable, and highly photogenic. You'd think that—maybe—I'd mention that somewhere. Even post a photo? Nope.

So yeah, I don't think I really have a blog anymore. I mean, it's not like I'm totally silent on the Internet, but there's a balance or even synergy (sorry!) to be found between the micro- and macro-blogging. I'll keep sniffing around the edges and, who knows, maybe have a blog again someday.