The Stanifesto

Happy Birthday!

The Stanifesto turns one year old tomorrow. It's decided to go on a little vacation to celebrate—but when it gets back, expect an exciting new wardrobe.

I've been working all weekend trying to get a brand new design ready for to go live with its 100th post (this one). As the midnight hour slowly approaches and the 100th blog post (this one) needs to be posted, I realize that I'm going to have to take a little more time with it than I had anticipated. It's got some fancy stuff going on under the hood and it would be a shame to rush it. The next post will cover all the changes and why I made them.

As for this post, I had considered a "99 problems but my bitch ain't one" theme, singing the praises of my girlfriend—with whom I've had a lovely time plotting and planning for our rapidly approaching moving-in-together. But, unless you're a Jay-Z fan, the clever title could be misconstrued.

So ends the two weeks of constant blogging, not with a bang but with a whiiiiimper.