The Stanifesto

Exxon hearts YouTube

Exxon got outed last summer in its funding various "Think Tanks". Now it seems to be getting into the Web 2.0 crowd by making videos and posting them to YouTube. Oh, and forgetting to mention that they're Exxon.

Unfortunately, the bit of deception was noticed by a few Wall Street Journalists. The "amateur filmmaker" happened to have an email address that traced back to PR firm DCI, which is on the Exxon payroll. Just to make the conceit complete, he had even set up a MySpace account:

I'm honestly laughing aloud (LOL in the parlance of our times) at the whole thing, for two major reasons. First, the MySpace account as of this writing has 0 friends. Not even Tom thought this guy was worthy of an invite, and his "extended network" is fast approaching 100,000,000.

Also, the video, sad to say, is completely boring. Not even so bad it's good (like those awesome ads for Carbon Dioxide produced by CEI). Here's a sampling of the comments on YouTube:

This is sad. You'd think that a corporate sponsored video would actually be at least funny. Exxon--you need to rehire! This video sucks!
I wouldn't mind this oppossing view if it were funny or interesting. It'd be nice if they didn't reference South Park, though. You know you're sub-par when you do things like that. For example, you watch a lame movie and one character mentions Jaws. Then you start thinking, "Man, I'd really rather be watching Jaws right now."
$3.10 a gallon and they spend the profits on this kaka? Pity that the windfall apparently can't buy you any "smart" or "interesting".

In not completely unrelated news, my favorite favorite corporate shill, Steven Milloy is throwing a hissy about the State of California wanting to know if his constant doubting of climate change and his taking money from automakers and oil companies are in any way, y'know... maybe... related? I think he's my favorite favorite because he gets pissy like this so often.