The Stanifesto

Diligent's new digs

I had three goals when I started Diligent Creative last October. The first was to pull non-profits closer to the bleeding edge of online strategy. The second was to provide a home for ethically-minded creative types. The third was an office. Yay for small victories.

Disclaimer: The Stanifesto is not the official Diligent blog. There isn't one. However, as this company is a big part of my life, I do end up talking about it from time to time. If this post seems a little like me pulling out pictures of my kid and making you tell me how cute he/she is, don't worry... I'll be back to my usual ranting about the Internet soon enough.

Anyway, I've got an office. It's right here:

Outside Diligent's new office The buzzer's iffy, so call me. And no, it doesn't look this scary in real life... I'm trying to Lomo-ize my iPhone pics.
Up Diligent's new stairs Some of my favorite things: steel I-beams and diamond plate.
At Diligent's new door I'm co-working in a space provided by the Social Venture Technology Group. As best I can tell, they provide metrics for niceness.
In Diligent's new lounge There's even a reception area, although you can clearly see my desk from the couch and tell if I'm actually busy or just ignoring you.
At Diligent's new desk Finally, my new desk. A minimalist dream realized.

Not pictured: the adorable puppy that visits a few times a week. I'll try to get a picture the next time he's in.

Drop by and say hi sometime.